Saturday, January 16, 2010

Web 2.0-Library Thing

"Library thing"sounds like a good place to organize all those little pieces of papers with suggestions for good books to read or to keep a record of already read books. You could also organize by series or favorite author. As long as the electricity stays on and the computer doesn't crash, one has a list forever.

I also thought the author page being avilable for one to peruse or add to it was an interesting attraction.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

After reexamining the Flickr site, I can see it's usefulness possibility for work (including the library) and for personal sharing. I don't see me using it however.

Monday, July 27, 2009

I love blogging!!!

Trying to get this to work.

Hopefully this post will show up and you can then edit it and add to this blog.


We were trying to get this blog to show but were not able to post to it.